If we join up the dots, they form the shape of the Word Alah in Arabic.
Aubergine found in a north London home with the nbame of Allah inscripted in it in Arabic.
See the picture above, the RED ROSE NEBULA, see what Quran said at Surah 55 (Ar-Rahman), Ayah 37! We see it now in the years 1999/2000! and Quran mentioned it almost 1400 years ago. The picture is taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope of the "Cat's Eye Nebula." It is an exploding star 3,000 lightyears away. They should have called it the "Oily Red Rose Nebula." As the Quran states in Ar-Rahman, "When the sky is torn apart, so it was (like) a red rose, like ointment." Quran [Surah55:Ayah37]
A Great miracle in which the name of God - Allah in Arabic is seen written in a baby's ear.
The word Allah seen in the clouds
The word Allah made by a plant
"La Ilaha Illa Allah, Muhammadun Rasul Allah" "This image above shows a side of one of the Farms in a Germany Wood, where the tree branches, in a wonderful style shows (In Arabic) ones word, "THERE IS NO GOD EXCEPT ALLAH, AND MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH," in an image that makes the hearts beat with belief in ALLAH the creator of this universe who is able to do anything He wants. Consequently, this picture shows that "Islam" is the great innate religion. As soon as the German people saw this image many of them converted to this nature religion.
" We will show them our signs in all regions of the earth and in their own souls, until they clearly see that this is the truth. [Fusllat : 53]
A Great miracle in which the name of God - Allah in Arabic is seen written in a baby's ear.
The word Allah seen in the clouds
The word Allah made by a plant
This honeycomb was found by a Turkish beekeeper.
A mosque still stands amidst the rubble of collapsed buildings in this aerial view of a neighborhood in the western Turkish town of Goluck, 60 miles east of Istanbul, August 19, 1999. The death toll from western Turkey's worst recorded earthquake surpassed 6,000, as hope waned of finding any of the thousands still missing under the mountains of rubble.
This is a recently discovered phenomenon in a forest near Sidney, Australia. As you can see, the bottom half of the tree trunk is bowed in such a way that it resembles a person in posture of Islamic prayer - the 'Ruku'. Looking closer, you can see the 'hands' resting on the knees.
The most amazing thing is that the 'man' is directly facing the Holy Kaaba in Mecca, which is the direction of prayer.
This is a recently discovered phenomenon in a forest near Sidney, Australia. As you can see, the bottom half of the tree trunk is bowed in such a way that it resembles a person in posture of Islamic prayer - the 'Ruku'. Looking closer, you can see the 'hands' resting on the knees.
The most amazing thing is that the 'man' is directly facing the Holy Kaaba in Mecca, which is the direction of prayer.
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